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We're donating excess produce to Food Share

We are glad to be able to help people in our community experiencing food insecurity by donating our excess produce to Warrnambool and District Food Share.

Food insecurity occurs when people lack secure access to sufficient amounts of safe and nutritious food for normal growth and development and active and healthy life. Food insecurity affects regional Victorians disproportionately to people residing in metropolitan areas (5.3% of regional Victorians vs 3% in metro areas in 2014).

In 2022, Food Share distributed 164 tonne of emergency food (fresh, frozen and pantry products) across the south west which is the equivalent of 68,387 meals. (2021 = 177 tonne (covid peak) up from 144t in 2020).

Food was distributed via 120 registered agencies and schools across south west Victoria IN 2022, feeding 18000 children and 36000 adults.

Food Diverted from Landfill 2014 to 2022 Total = 200 tonnes. Note that all their food waste goes to farmers to feed their stock - no food goes to landfill.

If members have excess produce that is of good quality, we are also happy to drop this off on Thursday. Make a judgement whether you think someone would be happy to receive this and leave items on a table or in the black fridge.

FoodShare distributed fresh produce, but also provides ingredients for community meals many organisations put on. This means that they can also use produce during gluts like large zucchinis that may not be suitable for family groceries.

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