From little things, big things grow!
Warrnambool Community Garden is a common ground where all are welcome to come together in friendship to grow, learn, produce and share.
We want our community to have the skills and knowledge to be able to produce their own food, with the skills and passion to live sustainable, with less impact on our planet.
The garden is a place all people can come to for:
community education and learning about organic gardening and sustainable living.
growing and sharing food.
community events and gatherings for networking and friendship.
We value inclusiveness, accepting that all people are unique and have something to contribute, our garden serves a range of purposes to different people at different stages in their life.
We understand that everyone's experiences can be different, especially with sustainability, and we encourage members to be empowered to make the efforts they can to reduce their impact on our planet, by recycling, restoring and replenishing our environment.
We're focused on ecological, social and economic sustainability, using innovation and a community-sharing focus to improve our operations.

Our site was used well before bring transformed it into it's current use as a community space. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have taken care of Country long before colonisation and we extend our deepest respects to the original custodians of the land we now look after. The area we look down across, occupied by the racecourse, was originally a wetland swamp which would have been full of life.
2005: The garden started with a group discussing the idea of creating a gathering place where community could meet, grow, share and learn.
2006: Warrnambool Community Garden Inc. formed following a meeting with 65 people.
2007: Old quarry site with over 2 hectares of unused land was secured. Chosen for its central location and northerly aspect providing the perfect environment for growing produce with good public access and space for infrastructure development.
2009: Work on the site began with swales to control water run-off and the laying of a path to define movement.
2010: First garden areas established with 40 individual plots.
2011: Work for the Dole program provides labour for key projects and site maintenance while increasing participants skills and employment opportunities.
2012: The HUB (Healthy Urban Building) officially opened, an old portable classroom converted into a low-energy multi-purpose space for meeting, cooking and collaboration.
2013: Pizza oven built and compost bays constructed to increase on-site material recycling.
2014: Weed management plan developed with trials to discover organic methods for controlling the significant weed problems on site.
2015: Quarry rehabilitation project starts; woody weeds removed, and planting around the quarry perimeter and shelterbelts along the fences. Garden shelter designed on bio-mimicry principles officially opened.
2016: Landscaping around the HUB starts including the bush food garden and reflection seat recognising our site is a significant place for people of the Maar - Gunditjmara nations. Work begins on the herb garden, pizza oven mosaic and Chook Hilton finished.
2017: Renovations on the HUB building to improve function and connection to the landscape, including a new roof over the veranda with lighting upgrade. Employed our first site manager to handle operations. Finalist in the HART awards in the small community organisation category.
2018: Herbie the lawn mower arrives to help maintain the grass on site. Wednesday weekly garden markets commence. Bridge over the frog pond is completed. Pick My Project grant awarded to rehabilitate and landscape the quarry.
2019: HUB registered as a commercial kitchen. New website launched.
2020: Progression on the quarry project with improvements to electrical and water infrastructure, planting on the side walls begins. Garden market continues through the winter season for the first time.
2021: Development of the kids gardening program. Quarry amphitheatre shaped and planted with native grass, water is connected. Shipping containers arrive onsite to improve maintenance areas.
2022: Winners of Premiers Sustainability Award for the quarry redevelopment. Dame Eggna was named Australia’s best named chook in the Grow It Local national competition.
2023: Quarry is lit up with its first community celebration, Live in the Quarry. New signage is installed for people to be able to understand the different areas of the site. HUB deck is replaced, a new BBQ purchased and funding to install wind blinds to ensure many more years of working bee lunches are enjoyed outside.
2024: Funding from the state government to purchase a tractor and construct a shed improves the efficiency of the garden. Work to upgrade the all abilities nursery area near the entrance and extension of the Sprouts Club kids gardening area complete.
2025: First Harfest event celebrating the autumnal harvest abundance. Stage two of the quarry redevelopment with the forest gully construction.
Next: We continue to plan the future of our garden - what part will you play?
Read some reflections from our ten year celebration. Check out our photo archive.
in the Media
Herbs, apples to have generational positive health affects - Warrnambool Standard, 18 August 2023
Warrnambool's growing community garden gets $100,000 - Warrnambool Standard - 23 May 2023
Work has begun to develop the limestone quarry at the Community Garden - Warrnambool Standard - 13 December 2019
Old Warrnambool quarry to breathe new life - Warrnambool Standard - 15 August 2018
The Warrnambool Community Garden - ABC local - 17 September 2008
Statement of purpose
Warrnambool Community Garden’s purpose is to promote mental health and well-being and to reduce social isolation by providing a welcoming space where people can come together and share activities and projects.
Examples include:
Developing and maintaining a community garden and promoting sustainable living in Warrnambool.
Cultivating a productive, beautiful and financially sustainable community garden.
Supporting other community gardens in the region.
Using organic and sustainable gardening techniques, based on permaculture principles.
Welcoming all members and visitors into the garden, providing them with opportunities to use and enjoy the garden.
Striving to include all members of the community in its activities, including people of diverse ethnic or cultural backgrounds, religion, age, relative ability or economic circumstances.
Fostering opportunities for different generations and cultures to work together, support and learn from each other.
Introducing children to the joy of gardening and community.
Making the garden available as a place for community feasts, events and celebrations.
Integrating the arts and fostering creativity.
Promoting gardening as a means of achieving good health and wellbeing.
Creating opportunities for research, formal and informal learning about gardening, sustainability, healthy foods and co-operative endeavours.
Contributing to the preservation and improvement of Warrnambool’s natural environment.
Respecting and working in harmony with each other and nature.
Preserving and enhancing the biodiversity of indigenous habitat and species.
Protecting and enhancing the genetic diversity of our food.
Advocating for the values expressed in this statement of purpose.